Ughhhhh. This social distancing can really make being a new mom that much more difficult. But there are ways to cope better to help keep your spirits up. Connection is key. It may seem hard to connect with others but it is not impossible. Face time friends daily, join a new mom’s virtual “play” group or music group ( many existing music groups or play groups have moved to virtual meetings), and/or find an online support group. Structure is also key. “Are you crazy?” you may be thinking, ” I have a new born-what is structure?!” And I get you, but even if you loosely plan a few things, in your day-nap, exercise, going outside, talking to friends, vegging out-those things can all be loosely scheduled and you may feel like you have a bit more control of your environment during these seemingly out of control times. Exercise is equally important right now. “She is really crazy, ” I hear you saying. But elevated heart rate through exercise is shown to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Some good ideas include walking outside, walking around the house, using canned goods as weights, or if you are really motivated you can try some kind of online workout video. Getting outside your house is also vital to not going stir crazy. Go for a walk or play with your child outside or even just sit outside and let the sun hit your face. A change of scenery daily can surprisingly impact your mood. Feeling tense? Of course you are. Practice taking 10-20 deep breaths throughout the day, find a 10 minute relaxation exercise to do or take a few minutes to just sit mindfully. Lastly, try and take a little time to yourself.


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