In regular circumstances panic attacks occur in about 5 percent of the population. Because people may be more susceptible to panic attacks during times of heightened anxiety it is no surprise that we are seeing an increase in panic attacks in the population during this time of quarantine and coronavirus. People are showing up to emergency rooms with chest pain, sweating, and difficulty breathing, fearing they have the coronavirus. In reality, many are instead struggling with symptoms of a panic attack. Panic attacks are intense and frightening and the anxiety is painful. But there are many differences between panic symptoms and coronavirus symptoms. For one, panic attacks usually last only 15-20 minutes. The article below lists further differences between the two. Panic attacks are manageable and even avoidable.
Small steps to manage anxiety:
-Exercise regularly
-Engage in daily relaxation exercises ( try downloading a progressive muscle relaxation video or app)
-Meditation daily
-Engage in pleasurable activities
-Get sunlight
-Practice slow, diaphragmatic breathing two times per day
-Connect with others ( via face time, social distancing, zoom meetings)
-Try and identify false narratives ( i.e. ” I am sweating, it must be corona and I will die”); identify other more realistic narratives ( i.e. ” I have had these symptoms before and they have gone away within 20 minutes-this could be panic again”).
-Reach out to a mental health provider. Many therapists and psychologists are seeing clients through telemedicine.
-Be gentle and self compassionate. These are difficult times and there is much that people are anxious and sad about.
Reach out to a doctor or nurse if you are concerned the symptoms are more than panic or you have a history of certain health risks, such as high blood pressure or a history of cardiac events.
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